
You can install Akumuli on Ubuntu 14.04 using this repository:

Alternatively, you can use this Docker repository.

Building from source

Ubuntu / Debian


  • Run It will try to do the best thing.

In case automatic script didn’t work:

  • Boost:

    sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

  • log4cxx:

    sudo apt-get install log4cxx or sudo apt-get install liblog4cxx-dev on Ubuntu 16.04

  • jemalloc:

    sudo apt-get install libjemalloc-dev

  • microhttpd:

    sudo apt-get install libmicrohttpd-dev

  • APR:

    sudo apt-get install libapr1-dev libaprutil1-dev libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3

  • SQLite:

    sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

  • Cmake:

    sudo apt-get install cmake


  1. cmake .
  2. make -j4

Centos 7 / RHEL7 / Fedora


  • Run It will try to do the best thing.


In case automatic script didn’t work:

  • Boost:

    sudo yum install boost boost-devel

  • log4cxx:

    sudo yum install log4cxx log4cxx-devel

  • jemalloc:

    sudo yum install jemalloc-devel

  • microhttpd:

    sudo yum install libmicrohttpd-devel

  • APR:

    sudo yum install apr-devel apr-util-devel apr-util-sqlite

  • SQLite

    sudo yum install sqlite sqlite-devel

  • Cmake:

    sudo yum install cmake


  1. cmake .
  2. make -j4
  3. make

Centos 6 / RHEL6


  • Same as for RHEL7, but we need to manually install log4cxx, as there isn’t a package in the repos:
tar -xzvf apache-log4cxx-0.10.0.tar.gz 
cd apache-log4cxx-0.10.0
  • Add #include <cstring> to: src/main/cpp/inputstreamreader.cpp, src/main/cpp/socketoutputstream.cpp and src/examples/cpp/console.cpp
  • Add #include <cstdio> to: src/examples/cpp/console.cpp
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
make -j4
sudo make install
  • Go on as for RHEL7

First steps


You should create configuration file first. This can be done using command:

> akumulid --init
OK configuration file created at: "/home/username/.akumulid"

Now you can edit configuration file ~/.akumulid. This configuration file contains default settings and comments. Two main configuration parameters are path and nvolumes. First should contain path to directory when database files should be stored. By default akumuli stores files in ~/.akumuli directory. You can change this to whatever you like (I’m using path=/tmp to run tests most often). Second parameter nvolumes should contain number of volumes that akumuli can use to store data. Each volume’s size is 4Gb so choose this value wisely.

Database creation

Now we can create database itself! Run this command:

> akumulid --create
OK database created, path: /home/username/.akumuli

You can check that database files is actually created by running ~/.akumuli. This directory shouldn’t be empty. (NOTE: you can delete all this files by running the following command: akumulid --delete)

Configuring Akumuli

Let’s return to configuration file (~/.akumulid). You can read parameter’s descriptions in configuration file. The most important parameters are:

  • path - tells Akumuli where database volumes should be stored (default value is ~/.akumuli)
  • nvolumes - number of volumes that should be created (this parameter is only used when you run akumulid --create command). If nvolumes is set to 0 the storage will be expanded on demand without deleting old data.
  • volume_size - size of the individual volume (this parameter is only used when you run akumulid --create command)
  • HTTP.port - port used by HTTP server
  • TCP.port - port used by TCP server
  • TCP.pool_size - number of threads that should be used to process data (should be less then number of CPUs, if you set this value to 0 the system will try to chose optimal size on start)
  • UDP.port - port used by UDP server
  • UDP.pool_size - number of threads that should be used to process data (should be less then the number of CPUs)
  • Log4cpp configuration

Running the server

To run akumulid as a server - just run it without parameters:

> akumulid
OK UDP  server started, port: 8383
OK TCP  server started, port: 8282
OK HTTP server started, port: 8181

Now you can write data through TCP or UDP and read data using HTTP.